How often can I apply to the Toronto Rent Bank?
Currently, applicants can apply once every 12 months.
[ read more ]I lost all my IDs. How can I show my proof of ID?
You can apply to the Toronto Rent Bank Program and our intake worker will work with you to find a way to address the situation.
[ read more ]If I am moving to Toronto from out of town, do I qualify for assistance with rent deposit?
Yes. However, if you are moving from Toronto to another municipality, you do not qualify for rental deposit program.
[ read more ]What happens if my rental arrears exceed $5,000?
If you are not able to cover the balance of your rental arrears, our intake worker will help negotiate a repayment plan with your landlord for the balance of...
[ read more ]I am scared to tell my landlord that I need assistance from the Toronto Rent Bank, what should I do?
Our goal is to prevent eviction and if necessary, rent bank workers can mediate between you and your landlord throughout the process. In general, landlords are happy to have...
[ read more ]Who are the Rent Bank cheques payable to?
Rent Bank cheques are payable to your landlord.
[ read more ]How long does the application take to be approved?
We require a minimum of 5 business days to process an application. In urgent situations, we may be able to process an application within a shorter time provided the...
[ read more ]I had a rent bank loan from the past, can I speed up the repayments?
Yes. You can contact with our Repayment Review Worker to follow-up on any questions or concerns about your repayments.
[ read more ]I am not on the lease but I pay the rent, do I qualify?
You need to be on the lease as a lease holder or an occupant to qualify. You can still apply to the Toronto Rent Bank Program and our intake...
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