COVID-19 resources

Health Information & Community Health Phone-In Services:

Toronto Public Health:

Telephone: 416-338-7600

TTY: 416-392-0658


Telehealth Ontario: Telephone: 1-866-797-000

Mental Health Assistance:

Regent Park Community:

City Run Daycares:

Covid-10 Fact Sheets:



Keep Practising Physical Distance!

The single best way for Torontonians to support each other right now is to stay home and practise physical distancing to prevent COVID-19 spread. 

For more tips on social distancing, please visit

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) has extended the ban on being disconnected by your electricity distributor until July 31, 2020. This means residents who cannot pay their electricity bill will not have their connection cut off.

Shower, washroom and drinking water access spaces opened and opening

Two locations in DOWNTOWN have opened for shower, washroom and water access as of April 29:

-Regent Park Community Centre (402 Shuter St.) 10am-7pm

-Harrison Pool (15 Stephanie St.) 8am-4pm.

Provincial Government to Allow Certain Businesses to Reopen Under Strict Conditions

The government, in partnership with Ontario’s health and safety associations, has developed more than 60 guidelines in response to COVID-19. These sector-specific measures will help employers prepare their workplaces so they can be reopened safely and ensure workers, customers and the general public are protected.

By following the proper health and safety guidelines these businesses will be permitted to begin operations on Monday, May 4 at 12:01 a.m.:

  • Garden centres and nurseries with curbside pick-up and delivery only;

  • Lawn care and landscaping;

  • Additional essential construction projects that include:

    • shipping and logistics;

    • broadband, telecommunications, and digital infrastructure;

    • any other project that supports the improved delivery of goods and services;

    • municipal projects;

    • colleges and universities;

    • child care centres;

    • schools; and

    • site preparation, excavation, and servicing for institutional, commercial, industrial and residential development;

  • Automatic and self-serve car washes;

  • Auto dealerships, open by appointment only;

  • Golf courses may prepare their courses for the upcoming season, but not open to the public; and

The province remains in Phase One of Ontario’s Action Plan in response to COVID-19, Protect and Support, allowing certain businesses and workplaces to open under strict guidelines. This is being done to balance the needs of the economy with the health and safety of the people of Ontario.

More information on the provincial government’s plan to slowly reopen the province.

More updates from the Province of Ontario.



Downtown East Collective List of PPE Suppliers – May 11

Face Shields Gloves Gowns Masks -N95 Masks – Surgical Sanitizer Sanitation Supplies
Bargains Group X X X X X
Canada Mask Supply X X
Costco X

(Lysol Wipes)

Easy Shield

(Shield fits over baseball cap)

Esafety Products X X X X X X

(large volumes)

Operation Face Shields


Tennier X X X X
Unity Health



( Free- not appropriate for hospital)


3) Places to share PPE donation requests

Shelters and Respites should be in touch with their Agency Review Officer at SSHA

Drop ins and Meal Programs should connect with the Toronto Drop in Network

Community SOS

Robert Kerr Foundation